Fitness Pro's Deluxe Form Kit Reviews

Par-Q – The industry standard. A critical step in identifying any big red flags that should be discussed before proceeding further with a client. You’ll use this form with every client.
Waivers and Liability Release Forms – You need to adequately protect yourself. Beginning an exercise program carries risks, and your clients must be made aware of this and sign this form to verify that they are aware of the risks, assume them, and release you and your business from liability. Multiple versions for you to choose from.
Medical Clearance and Physician’s Consent – If a potential client presents any medical condition that could be adversely affected by a fitness program, you MUST have them get a medical clearance before working with them. Of course, getting a doctor to write a letter can be a hassle for the client. This form makes it easy for them AND for you.
Home Workout Waiver – Are you an in-home trainer? If so, you need a form that specifically states that the client is responsible for anything happening to them as a result of the use of their premises, home, or equipment, in addition to all of the standard clauses in a personal training waiver form.
Health and Medical History – Understanding a person’s medical history, as well as family medical history, is critical when designing an exercise program. This form gives you the details you need, including background on illnesses, medications, surgeries, injuries, family history, and more.
Nutrition, Exercise, and Goals Questionnaire (UPDATED!) – Discover your client’s nutrition habits along with their exercise history and current activity levels. The form also has the client rank their specific goals, and determines what sort of exercise frequency and duration will fit into their lifestyle so you can better design a program that works for your client.
Waiver, Release, and Assumption of Risk (NEW ONLINE TRAINING VERSION) – Do you offer any sort of online personal training service? Think you might in the future? Then, just like with your in-person clients, you need the proper paperwork to protect yourself and your business. We’ve included a Waiver form tailored specifically to online training clients.
Physical Assessment – Your choice of exercises to include in a fitness program is influenced by a client’s posture, imbalances, weaknesses, and baseline strength and endurance. This form will guide you through a thorough assessment to determine your client’s status in these areas, allowing you to design an appropriate training program for them.
Skinfold Measurements – We all know that body composition is a much more important measurement than weight alone. If you are using calipers and skinfold measurements to determine body fat percentages, this worksheet is a handy way to track them.
Body Fat Tables – Categorized by age and sex, these tables will give you a clear picture of how close a client is to the ideal for any age range.
Girth and Circumference – If you are taking girth and circumference measurements with clients, this worksheet will allow you to easily track progress over time. A perfect way to keep clients motivated.
Training Services Agreement (UPDATED!) – Set clear expectations right up front with clients so that each of you know what the other will be responsible for. Detail number and length of sessions purchased as well as payment arrangements with this crucial document.
Progress Notes – You cannot measure success if you do not track progress. This sheet is a key component of every client’s file.
Client Checklist – Never again forget an important form or item. Make sure you have delivered all of the proper documentation to each client, and track the return of critical items requiring client signature.
Weekly Planner – Need an easy to use planner so you can have your week at a glance? This is it. Also can be used to plan out client workouts and leave with the client.
And More! – Injury Report, Client Self-Assessment, Goal Worksheet, Food Journal, Product Disclaimer, Lead Sheet, Target Heart Rate Ranges, Perceived Exertion Scale, Exercise Preparation Guidelines.
Comprehensive Company Policies – Never again run into problems with clients when it comes to cancellations, payment, scheduling, and more! These comprehensive policies set clear expectations in writing, so that you can begin a long and profitable relationship with your clients on the right foot. Also includes your Privacy Policy!
Two Business Plan Templates – Writing a full, comprehensive, informative business plan can be a rewarding exercise. If you are looking to borrow money to fund your business, it will also most likely be a required exercise. If you have never written one before, be prepared as it can be a daunting task. These two templates will help to simplify that task for you, guiding you step-by-step to your finished product. Written by the Small Business Administration and the Service Corps of Retired Executives, these templates contain all of the sections required by most every lender out there.
Fully Customizable – The forms are fully customizable. Insert your company name or logo, add or delete sections, combine two of the forms into one, split one form into two, print them on your own letterhead. Make these forms fit your business identity and make them yours! The forms come in Microsoft Word’s .doc format, which means you can edit them in Word, Google Docs (free!), OpenOffice (free!), or Pages if you’re on a Mac.
The Forms Kit Includes…
Fitness Pro's Deluxe Form Kit Reviews